Video Resources

A Great Symphony of Prayer: The Our Father as a Programme of Life

Webinar Series
2, 9, 23 and 30 April 2024


In spring 2024, the CCCB Ad hoc Committee for the Preparation for the Jubilee 2025 hosted the first part of a two-part webinar series titled, “A Great Symphony of Prayer”, enabling the faithful one meaningful way to participate in the Year of Prayer which was announced by Pope Francis on 21 January 2024.

The Jubilee Office in Rome prepared a series of booklets on prayer, the themes of which were taken up during the webinar series.

For each official language, the Committee planned one four-part webinar series in the spring and one more four-part webinar series in the fall of 2024.

Dr. Josephine Lombardi (St. Augustine’s Seminary) presented the first four of eight English-language webinars on prayer for the Spring 2024 Series: “A Great Symphony of Prayer: The Our Father as a Programme of Life”:

  1. “Why did Jesus address God as Father?”
  2. “Seeking God’s Kingdom and Knowing God’s Will”
  3. “Daily Bread and the Gift of Forgiveness”
  4. “Managing Trials and Resisting Evil”

These webinar sessions were recorded and are now available for viewing by individuals or groups, either in person or online. To facilitate reflection or discussion around the webinars, the Office for Evangelization and Catechesis has prepared this Guide for viewers with reflection questions excerpted from Dr. Lombardi’s book, On Earth as it is in Heaven.


It may be helpful to have the following materials at hand:

  • A Catholic Bible;
  • The video recordings of each webinar (if not viewing the videos as a group);
  • The book On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Josephine Lombardi.

Guidelines for Discussions

  • All participants may be invited to contribute to the discussions. However, if some choose not to speak, this should be respected.
  • One person speaks at a time.
  • Participants, if they choose, may respond to the speaker with humility and charity.

Reflection Guide

Session 1: “Why did Jesus address God as Father?”

Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi

Reflection Guide

Excerpted from On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Lombardi:
“Petition 1. Hallowed be your name” (p.34):

  1. How do you show honour to God’s name?
  2. How do you live out your call to holiness?
    1. In your family?
    2. In your workplace?
    3. As a volunteer?

Session 2: “Seeking God’s Kingdom and Knowing God’s Will”

Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi

Reflection Guide

Excerpted from On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Lombardi:
“Petition 2. Your Kingdom Come” (p. 41):

  1. What is your understanding of God’s kingdom? Is it something we can experience in the present?
  2. How have you invited God’s kingdom into your family, your workplace, your community?
  3. What needs to happen for your community to be a foretaste of God’s kingdom?

Excerpted from On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Lombardi:
“Petition 3. Your will be done as it is in heaven” (p.54)

  1. What is your understanding of God’s will on earth?
  2. Do your trust God?
  3. What are some obstacles that prevent from doing God’s will?

Session 3: “Daily Bread and the Gift of Forgiveness”

Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi

Reflection Guide

Excerpted from On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Lombardi:
“Petition 4. Give us this day our daily bread” (p.63):

  1. How do spiritual blessings, word and sacrament, strengthen and encourage you?
  2. How does your community address the social needs of its members? Of people in other parts of the world?
  3. Think of ways you and your family can contribute to the cause of justice, including religious freedom.

Excerpted from On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Lombardi:
“Petition 5. And forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors” (p.85):

  1. What is your understanding of forgiveness?
  2. Does it help you to see forgiveness as a process?
  3. Which areas in your life need more understanding?
  4. What do you think about the connection between health and emotions?

Session 4: “Managing Trials and Resisting Evil”

Speaker: Dr. Josephine Lombardi

Reflection Guide

Excerpted from On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Lombardi:
“Petition 6. And do not bring us to the time of trial” (p. 97):

  1. How do you understand temptation?
  2. What has been “a time of trial” for you?
  3. How did you find your way through it?
  4. How did you cope?
  5. What are the spiritual implications of addiction?

Excerpted from On Earth as it is in Heaven by Dr. Lombardi:
“Petition 7. Rescue us from the evil one” (p. 115):

  1. How do you understand evil?
  2. What is the source of evil?
  3. How do you deal with fear and negative thinking?